Savor the Moments

I watched Moana, Jr – the annual long standing traditional 8th Grade Musical – three times in the last two days. From dress rehearsal to the second performance, each time I noticed different show-stopping moments. I talked with many 8th Grade parents, and noticed that they all had eyes that had shed a tear or two at one or both of the evening performances. Today, on my porch with River fast asleep after a run, I cannot help but think about savoring the moments.

In the final three weeks of the academic year, 8th Grade parents, or parents of graduates at any level, feel many heart tugs – sadness for leaving a school their child has grown up in, joy of accomplishment, excitement and nervousness for what lies ahead. These all take an emotional toll. My simple advice – savor the moments.

Easier said than done as we all dash from school commitments to athletic tournaments to dance recitals to art exhibits in this crazy month of May. The calendar can be exhausting, but being truly present for these activities and not thinking ahead to the next one, is the secret to enjoyment. Literally, stop and take a breath.

I am rereading my friend Naomi Shihab Nye’s words today:

I have always loved the gaps, the spaces between things, as much as the things. I love staring, pondering, mulling, puttering. I love the times when someone or something is late — there’s that rich possibility of noticing more, in the meantime. There is so much we overlook, while the abundance around us continues to shimmer, on its own.

Shimmer, on its own, is such a great metaphor for our 8th Graders in Moana. Sparkle and shine they did, and it was so joyful. Every line, every note, every move – priceless. And, the in-between moments, as the cast and crew were getting ready for the next scene change, offered us a time to reflect on what we had just experienced and really take in the talent and the show’s message.

I want to see Moana again! Don’t tell any of the amazing faculty crew members and makers of magic, but I am going to reflect on whether we also need a Sunday matinee for next year. 

Stay tuned and savor the moments along the way!

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